Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010: Two years away from the annihilation of the galaxy

In 2012, then entire galaxy will "annihilate", or as people say. Everything and everyone will be gone, and possibly a new galaxy will form. Some people are so helpless because they think they will die. They have sold their houses and all their antiques to enjoy the "last years" of life. But will everything really annihilate? Will every human trace be gone?


  1. It'll be funny when the world doesn't end in 2012, and then all those people who sold their houses and stuff will be homeless...

    No seriously, I don't think everything will annihilate. That would be far too depressing!

  2. hehe! i DONT'T THINK IT WILL EIETHER BUT STILL.....(opps sorry about the caps lock)

  3. do u really think the world will end in 2010? im not sure... if it really ended, then that would b very scary and sad! :-(
